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Re: [GZG] Primers

From: mxconnell@o...
Date: Fri, 03 Mar 2006 13:11:36 -0500
Subject: Re: [GZG] Primers

I use mostly gray lately, too. Though I use white and black as well. It
varies mostly by scale (15mm mostly black, 28mm and up usually white or
gray). I've used Armory, GW, and Floquil. All seem to have their bad
cans or bad lots. Lately I have been using Rustoleum car primer. Not as
dead flat as I am used to, but not as slick as some I have used.
Constistent can to can, easy availability, reasonable cost. I'm


----- Original Message -----
From: Thomas Barclay <>
Date: Friday, March 3, 2006 12:48 pm
Subject: [GZG] Primers

> I found Tester's primers too slippery. Not interested in trying to 
> sand a 25mm figure! 
> I use Armoury Grey primer. I found their black too gritty for my 
> taste. 
> Am I the *only* one who uses Grey? I find white lightens up 
> overlaid colours and black
> darkens them down. If I want the applied colour to appear as it 
> does in the paint pot (or
> as it would when painted on most tan cardstock), I prefer the 
> grey. If I use black, it
> inevitably darkens things plus makes it hard to see figure detail -
> shadow and primer
> combine to make it hard for me to see what I'm painting. White, 
> OTOH, makes it difficult
> to paint some colours on (I primed some UNSC hardsuits white, 
> tried painting them white,
> and then cursed myself). Grey seems to be a good base colour for 
> most greens or sand
> colours (common camouflage colours). 
> Automotive primers I find tend to be too slick for my taste, 
> though some of them might not
> be bad. 
> I haven't yet tried airbrush primers, but it struck me they'd go 
> on a mite bit watery on
> shiny slick figures... so maybe not deposit so evenly.
> So, my recommendation is Armoury primers. 
> TomB
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