[GZG] Re: [OFFICIAL] Question to you all.....
From: David Billinghurst <davebill@c...>
Date: Thu, 05 Jan 2006 21:15:09 +1300
Subject: [GZG] Re: [OFFICIAL] Question to you all.....
Hi Jon,
Hope you managed to have a pleasant break over Christmas/New Year.
Regarding Rotation and Vector movement:
> 1) The system as it currently stands (FT/FB1/FB2 standard): ie, 1
> thrust point will rotate any ship to any heading in vector movement.
> c) I've actually played this (with XXXX fleet(s) - please specify) and
like it.
I've played this using an ESU destroyer squadron vs FB1 designed
and corvettes (as convoy raiders). We actually missed the mod in FB2 in
first game and allowed MD Max Thrust AS WELL AS 1/2 MD Turn and Push.
worked ok as well. Much prefer the FT/FB1/FB2 standard though.
This feels right for Human tech. If you followed the Kra'Vak thread
recently, the problem seems to be that there is little advantage for
Alien A
drives as the Vector rules currently stand. The Phalons and SV appear
have sufficient armour to balance this (I haven't done the math as they
don't interest me that much), but the poor old KVs, the great threat to
etc, don't, and are out ranged to boot, and so get their hro'kol* handed
them on a plate as their ships are un-armoured and un-shielded.
This seems to me to be the bit that needs addressing, especially as the
drives are supposed to be that much superior to Hu'man tech.
If the A drives are supposed to be some sort of Gravatic drive, would a
allow them to bleed off vector speed as per their rating before they
maneuver? ie a Thrust 6 drive can bleed off 6 MU of velocity, if
before doing a Thrust 6 in another direction. This would flatten the
Vector triangle and make the A drive ship more maneuverable. This is
the top of my head and I have no idea if this would unbalance the game.
> 2) The system used in the EFSB (the Babylon Project FT variant),
> where 1 thrust point only allows rotation by 1 course point (30
> degrees).
> b) I haven't played this but dislike it in theory.
As others have stated, this really hammers the few Thrust 2 ships
and freighters.
> 3) 1 thrust point allows rotation by up to 2 course points (60
> a) I haven't played this but like it in theory.
This is a possible fix for my earlier concern regarding the Alien tech
drives, especially if it only applies to hu'man drives.
Hope this helps,
*hro'kol = foul-tempered-armoured-monster: traditional Kra'vak riding
or beast of burden, resembling a long-legged komodo dragon and with a
similar temperment. Mule or ass analog.
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