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Re: [GZG] [List] Gmail problem?

From: Indy <indy.kochte@g...>
Date: Mon, 10 Oct 2005 08:23:55 -0400
Subject: Re: [GZG] [List] Gmail problem?

Gzg-l mailing list 10/10/05, John
Atkinson <> wrote:
> On 10/10/05, Roger Burton West <> wrote:On Mon, Oct
> 2005 at 07:59:35AM -0400, Laserlight wrote:
> >>Is anyone else having this problem?
> >No, but John's latest was sent as multipart plain text plus html,
> is usually unwelcome. I know gmail can be made to act politely, but I
> don't know how as I don't use it myself.
> ??
> I havn't changed the settings at all and I've used the account for a
> now. Is it OK now?

I've found Gmail can be squirrely with its settings at times. I'm not
why, or if it is browser dependent, or what. I know that some people get
HTML from me when I send from this acct, but others see only plain ascii
text, no fancyness or anything.

There are a great many things in the computer world I don't get. This be
of 'em. :-/


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