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Re: [FT] Weapons Cost for firing every other turn

From: JBrewer@w... (John Brewer)
Date: Wed, 18 May 2005 00:31:17 -0500
Subject: Re: [FT] Weapons Cost for firing every other turn

I had an idea about multi-weapon turreting, but I haven't found time to
post it until now.  Here's how I'd do it...

You could mount more than one weapon in the same turret;  The weapon
with the largest MASS would be bought at the same Mass and Point Cost.
Additional weapons with Mass EQUAL OR LESS than the first would be
mounted in the same turret at the same Point Cost, but cost HALF the
Mass.  This would allow small ships to mount more weapons, and big ships
to mount HELLASHUS weapons!  Examples in real-life are the twin-mounted
5-inch guns on WWll destroyers, and the triple-mounted 16-inch guns on
Iowa class battleships.  

On the subject of threshold checks, I'd treat the turret as a separate
system.  If the turret fails its threshold check [the turret jams],
either the weapons in that turret can't fire REGARDLESS of their status,
or the weapons can still fire BUT are restricted to a FIXED MOUNT FIRE
ARC [as per NIFT's Weapons & Defences Archive] set at the arc that
turret's weapons last fired from.  

"Always strive to be a good person.  If you can't do that, at least
strive to be someone other than an asshole."  

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