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[FT] First Game AAR

From: "Stephen Scothern" <stephen.scothern@g...>
Date: Thu, 28 Apr 2005 11:56:52 +0100
Subject: [FT] First Game AAR

Hi all,


Last night I played my first Full Thrust game :-)

We had 775 points each, ESU vs. an FSE/NSL mix, on a 6' x 4' table,
Cinematic movement , 1mu = 1", fixed edges, in empty space. The ESU used
'official' minis, the NSL/FSE were represented by a mix of Phalons and
Sa'Vasku (just what I happened to have painted). The odd point values
mix of ships were chosen to be quick and simple for beginners (just
and sub-packs), while being different enough designs to be interesting
armour and FSE sub-packs vs. ESU screens):

ESU : 775
1 Nanuchka II Corvette
1 Novgorod Frigate
2 Volga Super Destroyers
1 Tibet Light Cruiser
1 Voroshilev Hvy Cruiser

FSE/NSL : 772
1 Ehrenhold Frigate
1 Ibiza Frigate
1 Waldburg Destroyer
1 San Miguel Destroyer
1 Kronprinz Wilhelm Lt Cruiser
1 Markgraf Hvy Cruiser

We started at opposite corners of the board, both sides in loose
starting velocities about 8, facing directly at each other. I played the
ESU, my wife played the FSE/NSL.

We pretty much just flew directly towards each other, and then slowed
or stopped in the middle to blast each other at close range. The game
after 8 turns, with massive damage to both sides, but a definite win for
NSL/FSE side. The ESU was wiped out, while the NSL/FSE had an almost
untouched Lt Cruiser and a couple of badly damaged but still combat
smaller ships.

Some highlights from the battle:

- The Ibiza limping along with 1 damage point left, and a single-sub
pack as
its only working weapon still managed to use it to destroy the Nanuchka
point-blank range (it doesn't need a fire-control - right?)

- My Voroshilev managing to get in the rear arc of the Markgraf, facing
directly at it, with inititive - *splat*

- The vast amounts of 4's my wife rolls when shooting at my screened

- A badly damaged Volga ignoring its failing life-support for 4 turns
trying to fix a fire-control for a last shot

This took us about 3 hours to play - far longer than I expected (I had
estimated about an hour!) Maybe we are too careful measuring out
or over-analyze our firing options? I'm sure games will get faster as we
more experience with the system. Anyway, we both had a lot of fun. Next
time, I plan to to add in missiles/PDS, maybe using the UNSC rules to
how we like them, as these are my wife's favourite mini designs from my
collection so far.

Steve Scothern

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