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Re: NOT new Battlestar Galactica types

From: "Star Ranger" <dean@s...>
Date: Mon, 18 Apr 2005 02:14:12 -0500
Subject: Re: NOT new Battlestar Galactica types

> Mark Sykes wrote:
> > Does anyone have suggestions for  NOT new Battlestar Galactica type
> > models in the current FT range of scales?
> Or you cna try to get hold of some of those Konami candy toys. For
> discussion and pictures see star-ranger's forum.

Yup, for a Battlestar or Cylon BaseStar, go to ebay and search on konami
battlestar.  Those Japanese candy toys look great and you can get then
less than $10 each including shipping if you try.

Wait, those are classic BSG, not new series stuff.  The only new ones
available are from Studio Bergstrom

FT scale fighterwise, use the New Israeli Kifr fighter from GZG for any
the Not-Vipers.  Not-raiders are more difficult, though you could use
one of
the NSL fighters and clip off the long nose.

Dean Gundberg

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