Re: [SG2} House Rules for Fire Team Units
From: Robert Makowsky <rmakowsky@y...>
Date: Thu, 7 Apr 2005 03:15:25 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Re: [SG2} House Rules for Fire Team Units
How about the SL stays with one section and moves
automatically when the section does? Then the SL
would get one action to use for leadership type stuff.
To change sections the two sections would have to be
within integrity range and the SL would use his
"command action" to transfer sections.
Just a thought that popped into my head while reading
your good ideas!
--- Allan Goodall <> wrote:
> I like this approach of a squad leader being the
squad equivalent of a
platoon or company command unit. There is a problem
with this approach,