Prev: Re: Traveller + SG2/DS2/? Next: Stargrunt-SL (was Re: SG2tweaks)


From: Allan Goodall <agoodall@a...>
Date: Wed, 06 Apr 2005 08:31:47 -0500
Subject: SG2tweaks

The GZG Digest wrote on 4/6/2005 1:00 AM:

> Date: Tue, 5 Apr 2005 12:12:02 -0500
> From: "Don M" <>
> Allan, you know it wouldn't be too hard to do a hex map of some known
> starships, for boarding actions.........Keep the Vac heads happy.....)

I'd have to tweak the rules a bit. I decided to go with Squad Leader 
boards because they are easy to come by (you can find them on eBay, and 
Multi Man Publishing sells them, plus a lot of guys already have some 
kicking around). I also decided to go with the same _scale_ as Squad 
Leader. This works out to about 40 metres per hex. Yes, I could have 
just done 1 hex = 1 SG2 inch and it would have been simpler, but part of

the reason for SL boards was to use up less space. Even 1 hex = 2 SG2 
inches would require a big playing area. So, I went with the SL scale. 
It works quite well, and means that you can pack a large SG2 
battlefield, with units) in a very small space. (I did some playtesting 
in a hotel room in Texas.)

Now, for the vacc heads I'd have to change the scale back to something 
approaching SG2's scale. At 1 hex = 40 metres, some ships would consist 
of a single row of hexes! That wouldn't be too bad. I'd need some ship 
designs to playtest it, of course, but it should be feasible.



Allan Goodall

Prev: Re: Traveller + SG2/DS2/? Next: Stargrunt-SL (was Re: SG2tweaks)