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Re: SSD's

From: "Grant A. Ladue" <ladue@c...>
Date: Thu, 3 Feb 2005 11:31:50 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Re: SSD's

> > Here is a link to the UN beta SSDs (...)
> No, he said he treasured those, and you can assume he already has 'em.
> wants the ones currently in the FB's, and the list is pretty much
> those shouldn't be web-printed as they challenge Jon's published work.
> However, if he finds a ship builder with SSD production, and prints
> out...
> The_Beast

   Actually it'd be really nice if GZG had them on their website.  All
 really need is the bare SSD's without the flavor text.  It's not like
they are
 sufficient to play the game by themselves, no more than any non FB SSD
 It would certainly make it easier to generate the forms needed to play.
 I'd be willing to pay a small amount to be able to download them
 like Steve Jackson Games is doing with e23 right now).


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