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Re: [FH] Breaking News - Margaritifer Now a Warzone

From: Indy <kochte@s...>
Date: Wed, 05 Jan 2005 08:18:54 -0500
Subject: Re: [FH] Breaking News - Margaritifer Now a Warzone wrote:
> schrieb:
> > In a scene repeated around the globe this morning, embeds
> > from the NGT joined the growing exodus for Mars. This morning, at
> the
> > Harlow spaceport, we saw shuttle after shuttle and pod after pod
> > pick up thousands of Anglian soldiers, lifting them to orbit for
> > transfer to troop ships headed for Mars.
> Just a minor quibble: As far as I understand the word, "Exodus",
> whether the original Biblical one, or the post-WWII Exodus to Israel,
> are evacuations or flights, not really the start of a deliberate
> military operation. You could describe Dunkirk as an Exodus, but not
> the embarkation for D-Day.

The definition of 'exodus' is "a large scale departure of people". So
in this case it probably fits okay. 

However, if it's only a minor quibble, you gotta give Beth's field
some credit. How many field/news reporters get more facts wrong than
in stories? ;-)  In some of my fiction news pieces (which another will
coming out soon, set a couple decades or so before Beth's current
I purposefully put in some erroneous and/or contradictory bits (even
errors in one or two instances), which a couple of alert listers called
on. ;-)


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