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Re: FT Dragons [Little Long]

From: Thomas Westbrook <tom_westbrook@y...>
Date: Sun, 12 Dec 2004 16:22:35 -0800 (PST)
Subject: Re: FT Dragons [Little Long]

Not a bad idea.  Other Sci Fi Genres such as Star Wars (mostly the WEG
RPG), Star Trek, DIsney etc. have had some kind of "dragon".  Space is
full of races and object uncharted, so Why not.
however, I am totally opposed to any psionic PSB entering the game
period -- That's what I liked about FT in the first place was no
psionics/tlelpathy etc.. Other Sci Fi backgrounds like BG, B5, ST, SW,
Traveller . . . have psionic PBS and there are generally no bounds for
it excet that it is "Morally wrong to do X" which doesn't really stop
anybody.   the next thing will be 'dragon' players loading the up and
enhancing on the psionics and blasting everything on the board before
the game starts, so then what's the point of playing?
Dragon also need to add 'armor' as the scales (assuming they are
reptilian) harden.  Also for clans, Will is be norse vs Medevil vs asian

Rrok Anroll <> wrote:
   C. Dragonets (fighters) and Clutches (hanger bays) are costed and
treated like human fighters instead of Sa'Vasku drones.
   D. The "Repair" pool is now renamed to the "Healing" pool.

1. Dragons have STRONG bodies, at least 40% of a dragon is body.

3. Dragons are limited to 1 "Cortex Node/FireCon".

4. Empathic Blast: Dragons have a psi weapon that's similar to an EMP
beam. The blast effects all systems on a target, including core systems.
All systems take a threshold check and on a 5 are lost for 1 round, on a
6 are lost for two rounds. All systems are rolled for once per die until
a system fails the check. Damage Control parties can be used as normal
to negate the effects.
I've also had a few thoughts about doing space whales...

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