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[ECC] Carnage con Queso was Re: [CON] ECC VIII Preregistration starts December 1st

From: "Laserlight" <laserlight@q...>
Date: Tue, 7 Dec 2004 07:18:00 -0500
Subject: [ECC] Carnage con Queso was Re: [CON] ECC VIII Preregistration starts December 1st

> Heh.	You'll get it, though I'm thinking up evil ways of giving them
> opportunity to respond rather than just running about complaining...

> And Mike responded to Laserlight:
> >Hmmm.... may have to rethink my vendetta against the media and
> targets.  You got off easy last year........	:-)

> Yes he did.  You go right ahead and blast him.  The media won't mind
> bit.	Like lambs to the slaughter, and all that.

Adrian is referring to the fact that I'm thinking of bringing a squad
of sheep, although that's not definite yet.  I'd have to decide on
their personalities, for one thing.  Gandalf Stormsheep and the
Grazers of Rohan?  A flock of females surrounding Baa...James Baa?
Darth Baa and a squad of Imperial Sheeptroopers?  Or should I join the
news crew, as Baabaa Walters?  Or, even more evil, should I just have
cute, fluffy sheep who wander around with a slightly idiotic
expression, happily saying "Baa!" in adorable tones?  Think of the
Special Event cards I'd get....

I figure we might as well add to the quote board now:  "No sheep were
actually harmed in the making of this picture...although not for lack
of trying."

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