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Project Martiki

From: Alderfek@a...
Date: Fri, 05 Nov 2004 16:17:46 -0500
Subject: Project Martiki

Ever get into the mood to make mech minis but not use them in Battletech
? Many moons ago(1977) a very impressionable young boy went to see Star
Wars fifty-three times. It really warped his mind, let me tell you !
Afterwards he quit drawing space shuttles, Viking landers and the Saturn
5 and started drawing galactic battleships, stellar cruisers and ground
based war machines of unbelievable size and weaponry. Every rendition
was bigger, more heavily armed than the last. Then that boy decided to
make these at a fraction of the scale imagined. This is where
Messenhauffer Armaments and the many others I dont no longer use came
Ever since that time, I have tried to set down and finish all the
designs stuck in my head and get them on paper. Now is the time put the
Battletech stuff away for a bit(I will finish my Fantech commitments
first) and concentrate on finishing the universe of GalacTec. In the
title of this post, you will notice "Project Martiki". Martiki is my
version of "Janes" which I spawned back in 1982. So I will set up my
pages with the generic stats of whatever unit I show and the appropriate
specs for Full Thrust/Dirtside and then Aerotech/Battletech and
Just to let you know, the FulThrust/Aerotech book has 100+ pages in it,
so the task isnt small and I am not going to guarentee it will get
finished. I just feel the urge. 
Also, I have been talking to a few game manufacturers about adding this
to their line or at least making the minis that could come from this.
Time will tell. If anything, I'll have one hell of a big artwork

So to start off the Project Martiki, here is the Punisher Heavy Walker

Kirk Alderfer

BSA Troop 23 Rockmart/Aragon, Ga.
GSA Foxtails SU Event Coordinator-Polk Co. Georgia
Technical Cartoonist & Wargamer

"Millions of men have lived to fight, build palaces and boundaries,
shape destinies and societies; but the compelling force of all times has
been the force of originality and creation profoundly affecting the
roots of human spirit."
- Ansel Adams

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