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RE: [FMAS][long] AAR: Initiative card draw

From: "B Lin" <lin@r...>
Date: Mon, 4 Oct 2004 10:02:26 -0600
Subject: RE: [FMAS][long] AAR: Initiative card draw

FOr our card based initiative games we allow a unit to hold an action
until their next action.  At that point they either need to use or lose
the held action, and can then use their new action to re-new the hold.

This seems to make a lot more sense then arbitraily causing the held
action to lapse at the end of the turn.  It also makes holding an action
very powerful in defensive positions, as you will most likely get to
fire twice in a turn at an attacking unit (held action and regular
action for that turn).	So it makes timing much more crucial when
assaulting a position, as you will want to wait until the target unit
doesn't have a held action or has just expended their action for the
turn before hitting them, or will want a co-ordinated attack so that you
can absorb some losses going in but still have a good chance to close.


-----Original Message-----
From: Laserlight []
Sent: Friday, October 01, 2004 9:49 PM
Subject: [FMAS][long] AAR: Initiative card draw


Summary: 43 cards turned -7 "end of turn" cards = 36 actions over
seven turns, avg 5.14/turn. Nice and quick--no dithering over which
unit to activate.  The sheep didn't have a CO and the humans only once
made use of the sergeant's "transfer an action" ability (action 3.1);
neither side made much use of coordinated moves or attacks.  The
humans were mainly interested in escaping, and the sheep in attacking
without regard for losses--if they'd had different objectives, they
might have been more cautious.

I think "held" actions should be able to carry past the end of a turn,
but I also think you should only be able to hold one action rather
than multiples.
The topic of "when is a leader qualified to pass actions" didn't come
up--the only time it happened, the sergeant was ahead of and within 6"
of the corporal.

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