Re: Tech Levels and Quality was Re: DS3 design (long)
From: J L Hilal <jlhilal@y...>
Date: Mon, 27 Sep 2004 08:38:25 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Re: Tech Levels and Quality was Re: DS3 design (long)
--- Don M <> wrote:
> What on Earth are you smoking? Please read a non-comic-book history
> of the Vietnam War before talking with the grownups.
> John
> News to me, I've read that the VC ceased being a combat effective
> force after Tet and had to be increasing replaced by NVA regulars.
> Don
I think John A. is refering to Charles Lee's assertion that:
" The Tet offensive was a large scale battle. Ten Viet Cong regiments
hit our lines and hurt us bad before pulling back with the core leaders
in good order."
When in actuality, there were no "lines" to be hit, but rather it was a
general attack on over 100 cities and US and ARVN units and
installations all across the south by both VC and NVA regulars, and in
the end the VC took so many casualties that they were ineffective for
the rest of the conflict. Although it was presented in the US press as
a disaster, it did little military damage to US forces, most of the
damage to US forces being political and PR.