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Re: [SG2] Heroic SG

From: "Richard Kirke" <richardkirke@h...>
Date: Thu, 16 Sep 2004 18:28:02 +0000
Subject: Re: [SG2] Heroic SG

>Just because the Evil Empire uses an idea, that doesn't mean that they
>originated it, or that it's inherently a bad idea.  (OTOH, if nobody
>*except* them uses it....) However, I wasn't thinking of
>"munchkinish"-- more "cinematic".  This is considered a strength of,
>say, GASLIGHT or The Sword and the Flame, and may be a reason why
>CineGrunt is consistently popular at ECC (or maybe it's Stuart's
>gleeful malice).
>In any event, given that I'm thinking about FMA Sheep, "sane" is not a
>necessary or desirable design characteristic.
Well this is true... For my SG games I try and seek a realistic feel (as

real as Gauss Rifles and PA can be). Heros would instantly cartoonise
feel of the game IMHO.

I would go no further than the Mecha Carniage extra actions myself.

But if you want guys in big trench-coats and giant claws to stand up to
Robo-sheep then why not, sounds cool. I'll be intreagued to see what
people think up...


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