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Re: Ground Zero Games Fanzine

From: "Mark A. Siefert" <siefertma@w...>
Date: Thu, 9 Sep 2004 12:39:17 -0500
Subject: Re: Ground Zero Games Fanzine

Hey guys:

Sorry for the silence, RL came down hard the last couple of days.

I can switch the group to "moderated" to keep the spammers out.  That's
a problem. In fact I've done it now.

As for the "who is in charge" issue, I'd like to offer my services as an
editor and contributor.  However, I don't have the physical resources to
any actual layout beyond a MS Word "newsletter."  For a quality
you'd need QuarkXpress or Adobe Page Maker.  Although I know how to use
them, I don't have access to them at home. Is there anyone here with

I'm not sure I like the notion of a "blog" site; it just seems to me one
more thing that would have to be constantly maintained. We can use the
section of this site, or another, to keep articles and other files.
keep this KISS, but quality KISS.

Legal issues?  I need to talk to JT and ask him what sort of copyright
minutia we would have to add to a publication to keep everything kosher.

Advertising?  That would mean someone would have to hold the purse
and play accountant, unless we offer it for free.



Mark A. Siefert

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