Re: [DSII] Aeons of the Stranger Sort
From: "John C" <john1x@h...>
Date: Fri, 23 Jul 2004 16:50:16 +0000
Subject: Re: [DSII] Aeons of the Stranger Sort
>As I recall deep ones: sort of walking fishies, right? Someone
suggested to
>me them as the inspiration of Deep Spawn in MageKnight. Tough in 1/300,
>though I seem to recall someone having gorilla troops that were
>hunched-over, and could be modified with some relatively simple frills
>along the skulls, and webbing 'tween arms and body.
Kinda half-men/half frog -- and yeah, I think that gorillas, properly
painted, might just work. One of the things that I love so much about
is that it's such a *forgiving* scale.
John Crimmins
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