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Re: Heresy Mine! was Re: (DS): Systems per Class

From: J L Hilal <jlhilal@y...>
Date: Wed, 21 Jul 2004 20:45:45 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Re: Heresy Mine! was Re: (DS): Systems per Class

--- Glenn M Wilson <> wrote:
> So, House Rule Time!
> Glenn Wilson's First Written House Rule for DS 2:
> For maximum number of weapons (from page 16 'Capacity Requirements
> for Vehicle Weapons and Systems' in the lower right part of the page)

> per class the following is applicable at all times  -
> Direct Fire Weapons - count
> GMS systems - count
> PDS systems - count
> ADS systems - count
> LAD systems - count
> APSW (past one) - count
> Fire Teams - DON'T Count
> Cargo Load - DON'T Count
> Vehicle Transport - DON'T Count
> Command/Communication systems - count
> Artillery weapons - count
> CBR systems - count

We use the following:
The "# of weapons per vehicle" limit counts only 
-weapons of Size class 1 or more
All other systems, including electronic systems, APSWs, and infantry
teams do not count towards the limit.

And no change to the capacity cost of any systems.

Aditionally, I think we see a finer granularity to the Vehicle Size
Classes in our games, as I would place most modern MBTs as Size 4 or 5,
and vehicles like the Bradley and Sherman as Size 3.  Sci-Fi
superheavies like the 40K Baneblade or the B5 GROPOS Windsword I'd call
Size 6.  <shrug>


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