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Re: The GZG Digest V2 #2070

From: matt tope <mptope@o...>
Date: Thu, 01 Jul 2004 12:13:01 +0100
Subject: Re: The GZG Digest V2 #2070

ME (Doc Agren) wrote:

>>Also unsure on interaction with needle beams. Tempted to say cannot be

>>fired upon a cloaked vessel. Once again open to ideas here! >>

>Well, if I may, No needle beam as U need solid target data...

Matches my thinking...just wait for the little b*gger to drop its cloak
then lay in with the needle beams!

>Otherwise I like the system as an alternative to the Cloaking system in

Cheers! Though it's not meant to be as effective as the one in the book
of course...


Matt Tope 

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