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Re: TOE was: Re: Mixed Tech forces

From: John Atkinson <johnmatkinson@y...>
Date: Thu, 24 Jun 2004 22:07:22 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Re: TOE was: Re: Mixed Tech forces

--- wrote:

> >The last can be omitted in the scout company where
> >everyone can call fire.
> Yup.	What about an ARV and a ZADS?

Well, there should be 1 recovery vehicle per line
company and 2-3 more in a "recovery team".  As a
general rule of thumb.	ZADs, you got plenty of.

> Hmmm.... Tough to find the happy medium between too
> many and not enough. 
> A troop seems fine, if you include all the jobs, and
> especially in situations where the Cav is the main
> force.  
> One Lance of APC's with boot engineers, one lance
> with ARV's, and one lance with demo and mineplows?

ARVs as Engineers. . . I dunno.  The jobs are not
simillar.  Your ARVs should be staffed by mechanics. 
Now, in the UK those are REME (IIRC), the Royal
Electrical and Mechanical Engineers not to be confused
with Royal Engineers.  In US, they are Ordnance Corps.
 Dunno where the Canadians put 'em.  Either way, they
have a totally different role than combat engineers or
assault pioneers or whatever you want to call them. 
They should be operationally subordinate to whoever is
responsible for unit maintinence, not the battalion


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