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Fwd: Re: [DS] Stargate

From: "Redleg" <dmaddox1@h...>
Date: Mon, 07 Jun 2004 00:05:31 -0000
Subject: Fwd: Re: [DS] Stargate

 "Justin Crough" <jcrough@c...> wrote:
> Besides, I thought the smaller round actually penetrated armour
> better -- at least, from the open sources I've seen.

Depends on what you consider 'smaller'.

a 9mm pistol/submachinegun round has a bigger diameter than an 
assault rifle
round.	(9 millimeters versus 5.56 millimeters.  However the  rifle 
has a 'longer' cartridge which allows for more propellant.

Theoretically a smaller diameter round, like a thin flechette will 
armor much better.  By that logic, a 5.56 rifle will have penetration
superiority over the 9mm... then you factor in other variables such 
as the
length of the barrel (which determines how long the propellant has to 
on the projectile and thus it's muzzle velocity) , the grade of 
the materials the round is made out of, etc.


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