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Re: Proof of Jon's Mailing Wormhole!!!!

From: "Don M" <dmaddox1@h...>
Date: Tue, 1 Jun 2004 14:35:27 -0500
Subject: Re: Proof of Jon's Mailing Wormhole!!!!

I ordered the two Full Thrust Fleet Books on May 27, 2004.... Point of
Origin - the UK.

They arrived today, June 1, 2004... Destination - South Carolina, USA.

Please note this was after I'd offered a couple of books I'd found in
bargain bins to Wayne; NO WAY could I suggest I'd get them there that

The only problem I have at this point is that, while I'm the one who
pointed out that some delivery times 'suggested contravention of the
of time and space', it was Don that named it Wormhole, and I can't claim
discovery. Maybe, in the spirit of collaboration, we can refer to it as
M-B effect, for Maddox-Beast?

Seems appropriate as a variation of the T-K drive.  ;->=


How about this, to further confuse the public at large we refer to it as

Beast-Maddox-Wormhole or Jons BMW.......)

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