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Re: Hello again

From: Bill Brush <bbrush@u...>
Date: Wed, 12 May 2004 19:06:28 -0500
Subject: Re: Hello again

Hi Doug,

I have to admit I've never watched NET's New's Hour (guess I should
since I
work there, but hey I work there, I figure that's enough of a donation).

IIRC we sent over a couple things of baby wipes, a bunch of magazines,
a scad of books.  I took up a collection at work.  I think the shipping
it was something like $25.

Good to hear he didn't get extended.


owner-gzg-l@lists.CSUA.Berkeley.EDU wrote on 05/12/2004 05:37:57 PM:

> >I just saw him the other day, he is back here in Texas.....)
> Hi, Bill,
> ...and has borrowed Don's email to post a cantankerous line or two.
> healthy to me, though I assume he's still depressurizing. It doesn't
> many evenings' watching of NET's News Hour to start feeling concern,
> What did you care package? He didn't need the books I found.
> The_Beast

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