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RE: Vietnam and modern combat

From: John Atkinson <johnmatkinson@y...>
Date: Mon, 26 Apr 2004 15:10:17 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: RE: Vietnam and modern combat

--- Ryan Gill <> wrote:
> Its my understanding that even platoons and
> companies of different 
> arms could be pushed together to make some kind of
> force for 
> counterattack on very short notice. I might be wrong
> however.

I'd have to look into it further.

> Granted, however the tactics in the early phases as
> I've seen them 
> and what they're using now, tends to leave them dead
> 75% or better of 
> the times.

Or better indeed.

> I suspect we had to have made some sort of
> conciliatory gesture. 

This Fallujah thing should have been over long ago.  I
can just imagine what would have happened if some
two-bit band of thugs decided to try to keep my unit
out of one of our towns.  They'd probably still be
finding pieces of it.

Three provinces over.

> Though, given how much spin Al Jazeera is putting on
> it, I have to 
> wonder why we haven't put them out of business.

That level of politics is above my paygrade.


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