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RE: more Graser observations

From: "Robertson, Brendan" <Brendan.Robertson@d...>
Date: Thu, 18 Mar 2004 16:54:08 +1100
Subject: RE: more Graser observations

Note that the comparison notes of 4xb-1, grasers & p-torps was mine; and
math is very off-the-cuff (I'm lazy in that regard).

The 13-18 band IS optimal range for the graser-1.  Beams are better at
MU and also at 19-24 MU.  If you can sprint inside range 12 or maneouvre
outside range 18, most other weapons will consistantly average more

As a house rule, increase the masses of the Graser-1 to 3/4/5 mass each
see if that makes you happier.	
If I could actually get some games in, I'd be trying both to see if
a significant difference in performance.

'Neath Southern Skies

> -----Original Message-----
> From: []
> Sent: Thursday, March 18, 2004 4:33 PM
> The Graser-1 has a larger margin of maneuvering error 
> than 4x Beam-1s.  It really should be compared to a
> Beam-2 + Beam-1. (all having 6 arcs)
> I started keeping a record of our battles today.  Have
> I mentioned I hate taking notes?  I stopped after the
> 3rd round of weapon firing.  This is what happened.
> My Kra'Vak-style ship fired its K-guns and hit with
> every one (I got lucky): 1x class-4 (doubled) + 2x class-3
> (1 doubled) + 2x class-1 for a total of 19 damage, got
> a double threshold.  (take that you graser-laden enemy
> ship! :) ).  Then 3x class-1 Grasers fired from another 
> ship: 26 damage (a few rerolls).  I did not need to keep 
> any more notes to know an overpowered weapon for 
> its mass  (the Graser-1, more specifically, the 6-arc 
> Graser-1).
> were also aboard.  They did badly at times,
> there were more of them, but in the battle they 
> also got to fire more often
> (that 13-18 range band is very important).
> Yes, it is a matter of die rolls, but the Graser-1 was
> the most feared weapon in the game.
> I still stand by my previous recommendation that the
> mass of the Graser-1 needs to increase.
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