Re: After Con Report - ECC VII
From: Doug Evans <devans@n...>
Date: Tue, 2 Mar 2004 12:05:39 -0600
Subject: Re: After Con Report - ECC VII
>Since we had the day ahead of us, we went off to go
>check out the Aberdeen Proving Grounds Ordnance Museum
That's been a dream for a long time; alas, AFTER I was in Baltimore many
years ago. I've heard that the Imperial War Museum tops by a great deal,
but in spite of the fact the mileage isn't THAT much greater, crossing
briny remains a distant fantasy.
>The night was once again long with our resident partying "ski" group
>no one really believed were skiers, but were using skiing as an excuse
>gather together and party extremely hard;
Well, big cons have similar problems with small groups of wild and crazy
gamers. Couple of the LARPs my daughter joined got a bit out of hand.
And the hours were well offset; I've mentioned before hot bedding with
Vampire youngun'.
In the main, though, dumped ice chests were about the worst you'd see.
>At GenCon a few years ago I played in a 25mm Ogre game. *grin*
Sci Fi Supply, the same folks that used micro machine Star Wars fighters
that looked correct next to the 6 foot long Star Destroyer...
>It sounds like a number of the con games were too long. Do you have any
suggestions for running shorter games?
Tough unless everybody knows what they're doing, and does it, and things
can happen simultaneously at different parts of the table.
>2) * - re: was a joke, son, a joke. get it?
That's just cruel.