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Re: Fighters and Hangers

From: Ryan Gill <rmgill@m...>
Date: Thu, 26 Feb 2004 13:09:21 -0500
Subject: Re: Fighters and Hangers

At 2:57 PM +0000 2/26/04, Roger Burton West wrote:
>On Thu, Feb 26, 2004 at 09:47:42AM -0500, Ryan Gill wrote:
>>Men with hoses and ordinance handing gear work the same on an LPH as
>>they do on a CV as they do on the ground next to trucks and
>>hovercraft. You're probably pumping the same kind of fuels if you're
>>smart about your fuel trains.
>Ships don't need to be refuelled/recharged. Fighters do.

Small interface craft that move from orbit to earth in similar 
methods that fighters do would likely need similar reaction mass or 
fluids or something. Especially small craft near to the size of 
fighters (think Helo's and C130s vs Harriers and F18s).

>>This really points to fighter launch facilities needing separate
>>costs from their handling and recovery facilities.
>Check out "parasite racks" in the WDA:

That's more like the Escort Cruisers from the Atlantic War that saw 
aircraft launched from cats on small ships that had no what to 
recover the aircraft. The pilot would ditch after warding off the 
German Maratime Scout plane (ie Condor)

>  >>Except that according to St^3 Jon fighters aren't 1 mass; they're
>>It's one of those fuzzy sizes that they're effectively 1 mass.
>No, I think this is an important distinction. A normal craft in a
>bay is taking up 2/3 of it. The fighter is taking up perhaps half, and
>relatively more of the volume is support equipment. That's one clear
>reason for incompatibility of bays.
>Don't forget also that this isn't just "a bay" - it's the bay plus the
>share of the power plant that operates it, and consumables storage,

Yep, but one could argue that the arragement of such bays could be 
aggregate allowing the handling of larger craft in the unused space. 
The design of the NAC carriers seems to indicate a larger bay vs 
multiple smaller bays. Just as a CVN can accept a Vert Rep from a 
CH-53 or land a COD, it can also launch a strike of F18s. More 
flexibility in the design system would be nice, but mostly its just 
window dressing.

-		  Data Center Operations Group		      -
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- Internet Technologies   --   Data Center Operations Manager  -
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