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Re: How to put a Tegethoff dreadnought together?

From: Doug Evans <devans@n...>
Date: Sun, 15 Feb 2004 13:35:37 -0600
Subject: Re: How to put a Tegethoff dreadnought together?

>Are the GZG models cleaner and easier to put together than the Geohex
>ones, or did I just have a bad batch?

Short answer: both. There were a wide variety in quality with the Geohex
sets; many were dreadful. Jon's, by my small sample and many reports,
much more consistant, and on the good side at that. Also, I think KR
with several casting companies over the course of his license. I've
AoG had a similar story with it's first B5 stuff.

When you get something as large and complicated as a large, multi-piece
thing like an NSL heavy, the imperfections just multiply.


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