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Re: [FT] Photo's of Warships

From: Doug Evans <devans@n...>
Date: Tue, 10 Feb 2004 15:24:22 -0600
Subject: Re: [FT] Photo's of Warships

Thanks, Robin; I picked up some of the Ironwind stuff last summer, but
still sitting in blister. These certainly do give me impetus to get them
into the hands of a competent painter!

Looking at the Ironwind site, aerospace section,
I gather we're looking at a brace of Aerospace Fighters Set 1, a McKenna
Battleship flanked by two dropships from Set 3, and perhaps more of the
same fighters in the back?

Are there any other aerospace images? I see this as '1 of 61', but the
short way I went in were all mechs.


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