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RE: Fleet Composition - What more should I get?

From: "david smith" <bifsmith207@h...>
Date: Fri, 16 Jan 2004 11:07:27 +0000
Subject: RE: Fleet Composition - What more should I get?

If you are after the flying brick with loads o guns, try using a B5wars
dreadnought. The B5 earthforce ships all look very NSL to me, and I use
as such. All those big guns I have as B3s, making the thing come out to
mass (it has a weaker hull than standard NSL, to represent a older
that has been refitted) with 1 fighter squadren aboard.


>Right now I have a nice small fleet and am thinking of expanding it. I
>wondering what you would recommend for me to add. I don't have FB 1
>will order it at the same time as I get any more minis. All are FSE.
>from what I've read FSE is not the fleet for me. NSL sounds more like
>am looking for. Flying Bricks with lots o' guns.
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planet in
>the galaxy that can make that claim." - Kirk (Elaan of Troyius)

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