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Best Inkjet Decal Paper?

From: "Mark A. Siefert" <siefertma@w...>
Date: Sat, 20 Dec 2003 23:58:10 -0600
Subject: Best Inkjet Decal Paper?

Hey all:

Another craft question:  As a cost saving measure, I'm going to be
making my
own decals from now on.  Does anyone have any suggestions on what inkjet
printer paper I should use?  I've used SuperCal in the past, but the
decals are WAY too clear.  Can anyone name a better choice?

Mark A. Siefert

P.S. BTW, Future floor wax is a GREAT gloss coat that doesn't orange
peel or
eat into the coats below.  I will never use a gloss coat in a can again.

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