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Re: this is a first...

From: Ground Zero Games <jon@g...>
Date: Tue, 16 Dec 2003 08:27:33 +0000
Subject: Re: this is a first...

>Ground Zero Games wrote:
>>Probably true, but they're still pretty damn good.... Kaylee (Jewel 
>>Stait) is cute, Inara (Morena Baccarin) is exotically gorgeous, Zoe 
>>(Gina Torres) is ass-kickingly gorgeous, and River (Summer Glau) is 
>>cute but scary......	<grin>
>>And don't get me started on Saffron (from "Our Mrs. Reynolds", 
>>can't recall the actress' name), who is truly of Willow-level 
>>cuteness.... <bigger grin>.
>Christina Hendricks
>  has more info on her.
>She was very cute and seductive, which was the whole point of the plot.

Yep. Anyone else going to that "special hell"....?   ;-)

>>PS: there may or may not be a part-finished "Glow-Worm class" 
>>transport ship in FT scale on my workbench at the moment....	;-)
>:-)  Will they be ready for February?

It may or may not (then, it may or may not exist in the first

Jon (GZG)

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