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Re: Background Material: A call for Help from US Easterners

From: "laserlight@q..." <>
Date: Mon, 15 Dec 2003 09:31:06 -0500
Subject: Re: Background Material: A call for Help from US Easterners

>Sounds okay for USA but how would you balkanize Canada?  And more (well
to me) importantly, Mexico?  If you don't balkanize Mexico then Southern
California just changed hands with a big boost to Mexican
economic/military-industrial power... LOL! Mexico can now tax income *
directly * !

Mexico I have no comment on, but I could see Quebec breaking off from
Canada, the provinces east of Quebec joining the Maine-to-Massachusetts
polity, and the Iroquois setting up shop on their own.	I'd probably
the rest together, just so you'd have a big enough population to be
competitive with the neighbors.

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