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Re: this is a first...

From: Jon Davis <davisje@n...>
Date: Sun, 14 Dec 2003 19:05:06 -0500
Subject: Re: this is a first...

Adrian Johnson wrote:
> I'm with Matthew on this one.
> I like all three series, and was greatly disappointed when Firefly was
> cancelled.  It was well done - sure it had some "teething issues" as
> any new series; it would have been great to see how things settled out
> a full season or two, but it was pretty solid from the beginning.  
> The cast looked like they were having fun, and it had some fun, quirky
> characters.
> Very Traveller-ish.  Well, with a strong cowboy flavour.
> The sci-fi channel here has been running it again through this season,
> they just finishted broadcasting the three (or four?) unaired
> Good stuff.
> The DVD set will be coming home, for sure!

The DVD set is on my Christmas wish list.   I hope to be watching
the series episodes on Christmas Day!

The series was left with a lot of unanswered questions and interesting
character quirks and issues.


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