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RE: [FT] Using Sculpy to build ships with

From: Ground Zero Games <jon@g...>
Date: Mon, 24 Nov 2003 17:39:30 +0000
Subject: RE: [FT] Using Sculpy to build ships with

>  >If you're really worried about durability, try blue-yellow (green)
>part expoxy putty.  Much more expensive (about $9 for about 4 oz. vs.
>for 1 pound) >but it's tough stuff and you could theoretically use your
>models as casting masters.
>No theoretically about it; I've seen Sandy Gerrity as well as other
>'masters' use it.

Duro putty, known in the trade as "Greenstuff" (duh, 'cos it's
Most sculptors use either this or one of the Milliput grades 
(normally the terracotta or superfine white).

>*shhh* The secret is in keeping your utensils wet, though I've never
>understood how THAT works...

Stops your tools sticking, allows you to smooth the putty without 
"dragging" the surface.
Some sculptors dip their tools in vaseline or water, I've seen others 
lick them (though that can apparently be potentially harmful and is 
not to be recommended).

I can't believe I just typed that with a straight face....

Jon (GZG)

>It sure looks like Germy's originals were green putty.

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