Re: [FT] Purty Pictures and Starhunter?
From: Doug Evans <devans@n...>
Date: Sun, 23 Nov 2003 13:17:30 -0600
Subject: Re: [FT] Purty Pictures and Starhunter?
>> Wierdly, I got nothing on the gallery page, least images, but plenty
>> poster shop and download sidebar. I gather that's the beta game book
>> top of the list? Kewl.
>I've got a quibble with this one:
>It looks gorgeous, but why oh why is the landing bay right next to the
>spinal mount? Just seems to be asking for disaster.
I still don't see the images as thumbnails, but I get to the link above.
Must be my silly phobia of Javascript.
Definitely looks like something that should have been a catamaran.
Speaking of cat's, has anyone been watching Star Hunter(spacing?)? I
part of one show last night, and while neither the plot nor the acting
appealed to me, the little space battle was very pleasing, and the rusty
ol' liner being used by the main actors was rather fetching.