Next: Re: [SG] weapons

Re: [DS3] What weapons do you think DS2 needs added?

From: Brian B <greywanderer987@y...>
Date: Wed, 19 Nov 2003 15:31:19 -0800 (PST)
Subject: Re: [DS3] What weapons do you think DS2 needs added?

--- wrote:
> G'day guys,
> Given the number of "but DS2 don't got that" in the
> recent threads what extra weapons (if any) do you
> think should be added to DS2 if and when it becomes
> DS3?

- GMS launchers and ammo separate from each other
- GMS rounds capable of firing at aircraft a la LADS,
as adjusted for guidance quality
- ZADS replaced by ZADFC that can be mated to any
full-turret direct fire weapon, with appropriate
ranges and damage for said Direct Fire Weapon.
- Direct fire weapons that fall between APSW and RFAC
1 in size/power (eg .50 cal/12.7, 14.5mm KPV, etc.)

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fire, and he will be warm for the rest of his life."   -- John A.

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