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[LST] Books Re: John Atkinson whereabouts

From: Doug Evans <devans@n...>
Date: Thu, 13 Nov 2003 07:06:04 -0600
Subject: [LST] Books Re: John Atkinson whereabouts

I found a paperback of the second of the Starfishers trilogy; it was
under Warner. Hope it's the same author. If John doesn't need, I'll add
my own collection.

I also saw, but did not pick up, two hardbounds of volumes one and four
the Glistening(?) Stone, apparently six and nine of the Black Legion
series. As they are big, heavy, and expensive, I'm assuming the first
block for John, while the last retard me. However, once John's back,
rested, and thinking what he wants to take, he can let me know.

It is comforting to have recent 'sightings' of him.


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