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Re: The burgeoning Full Thrust "scene" in Grand Rapids, MI

From: FlakMagnet72 <flakmagnet@t...>
Date: Wed, 12 Nov 2003 10:21:21 -0500
Subject: Re: The burgeoning Full Thrust "scene" in Grand Rapids, MI

On Wednesday 12 November 2003 10:04 am, Doug Evans wrote:
> Big thanks, Tim!
> Did you come up with any ideas or observations in the teaching
> Obviously, don't snow folks with too many details or add-ons is a
> and one you perfectly took to heart.

It's the best way to learn any game, and that's what I was doing.  I
the different parts of each section of rules right along with the
While they played, I read to make sure we were doing that part of the

Oh, BTW, we're playing Vector, naturally.

> I know that finally demo-ing to my girlfriend while she was a captive
> audience in a hospital bed brought a few things to mind. One, diagrams
> templates as examples of possible moves with various initial speeds
> thrusts might help to visualize what are the possible moves of an
> and how to plot your own. I think I suggested earlier, when playing
> one-on-one with a newbie, that you plot your own move, then let them
> measure their own potential moves before making the move, and
> written plots as they gain confidence.

Sheesh!  My wife wouldn't even entertain gaming if she was laid up. 
You're a 
conniving man... but I mean that in a nice way.

I'd done away with written orders for my son (5 at the time) when he and
played a while ago.  I still wrote my orders.  It worked out just fine.

> Please do add any idea, or shoot mine down if you must, that you can!
> Oh, yeah, Derek and Beth probably have lots of good ideas of 'bringing
> along' youngun's.
> The_Beast

"Who draws his sword against the Prince,
best throw away the scabbard." early 17th Century English Proverb

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