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RE: FT-Cheap minis, and a reply to John A.

From: Doug Evans <devans@n...>
Date: Tue, 4 Nov 2003 10:15:05 -0600
Subject: RE: FT-Cheap minis, and a reply to John A.

>On the subject of cheap minis, I picked up some party favors for my
>little plastic spaceships for ten cents each.

Do you recall from where? Sounds like the bags I picked up from
Nobbies/Oriental Trading Co. I recently saw two of the figs were copied
from Anime ships I'd never seen except as models on eBay. On the other
hand, someday I'll get my web site going and show the 4" toy obviously
copied from a Silent Death fig.

>and one type specifically would make a pretty good infantry dropship.

Square shoulders, two extended engines?

>>Now a reply to John:	I didn't realize you were a sapper!  Remember
>>to plug your
>>ears when they send you out for mine-clearing.  I was with the 44th
Bn in

>He runs an AVLB or what ever the US Army is officially calling them now

He has plenty to say on ALL engineering subjects, though...

I figure any earplugs John carries are for giving out just prior to his
explaining something to someone who doesn't see 'what's obvious'.  ;->=


PS Yes, the ellipse indicated carrying through to the logical
PSS Yes, John's comments on everything are authoritative.

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