Re: [OT] Free CalTex Interplanetary Federation in the making
From: <warbeads@j...>
Date: Tue, 30 Sep 2003 04:59:48 -0500
Subject: Re: [OT] Free CalTex Interplanetary Federation in the making
It's been since late 1970's/early 1980's since I was associated with
(After Active USAF) but NG tended then to be more combat and (what we
then called "Combat Support") and the USAR was more "Support" - i.e.,
more PSYOPS, Basic Training Units, Chemical Warfare units - oriented.
Yes C.S. and Support thing was somewhat contrived but it was basically
C. S. had potentially a great er chance to be shot at with Direct fire
more often in theory then 'Support' which was 'farther back' in theory
although such distinction seemed moot at the time. I was in a Basic
training unit (the Timberwolves (104th IIRC) then. 10 man (20 on paper)
'Companies" of Drill Sergeants, Supply, Armorer, and Drill Sergeant
wannabes. Lots of C.I.B., Ranger trained, Jungle warfare trained,
yada-yada-yada types who wanted a little more money and hoped (vainly IO
am sure) that if we were activated for the 'big one' that they might
be transferred individually to combat units... reupping rates seemed a
joke from what i remember. Either you joined and stayed until you
retired in your civilian job or you joined as a young man, put in three
years and mustered out (shaking your head.)
Hx, SF, and Fx: 6 mm figures, Starships and 1:6K "Wet Navy" warships
are my main interest.
On Mon, 29 Sep 2003 19:55:59 -0700 Michael Brown <>
>The Guard is the State Militia, subject to call up by the Governor.
>Reserve is a Federal force, subject to the President (though in some
>the distinction is blurred).
>Michael Brown
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Brian Burger
>Sent: Monday, September 29, 2003 6:06 PM
>Subject: Re: [OT] Free CalTex Interplanetary Federation in the
>On Tue, 30 Sep 2003, Alan E Brain wrote:
>> >"What's TA?" Asked the Yank.
>> Territorial Army.
>> Militia in the original sense, closest US equivt is National Guard,
>> Army Reserve is possibly even closer.
>Er, what *is* the difference between the US NG & the Army Reserve,
>The Guard seem to get all the publicity of the two...
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