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Re: Sculpting, was Re: New KV

From: "John C" <john1x@h...>
Date: Sun, 28 Sep 2003 18:16:55 +0000
Subject: Re: Sculpting, was Re: New KV

>If Oerjan doesn't mind me jumping in and answering for him:
>All the FT minis (Oerjan's, mine, the original CMD ones etc) are done
>actual-size, in styrene plastic (sheet, rod and strip plastic). All the
>tiny details are added from tiny slivers of plastic strip etc.! It's
>that hard, just a bit fiddly and time-consuming!!

That's interesting -- a friend of mine did a little bit of sculpting for

Stan Johansen, and he was told that everything had to be metal, or epoxy

putty.	Plastic and such wouldn't make it though the process of making
production molds.

Stan may well be working with older stuff, of course.

John Crimmins

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