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Re: New KV

From: Ground Zero Games <jon@g...>
Date: Sun, 28 Sep 2003 12:40:50 +0100
Subject: Re: New KV

>Steen wrote:
>>I already bought the FT425 and find it wery interesting, and learn now
>>there are more new KV ships. What kind of ships are FT423 and FT431.
>Probably easiest if you wait for pictures and stats to be posted,
>here or in the on-line catalogue... they're more "conventional"
>hull-spar-and-wing-guns than the To'Ki, but that doesn't say very much.

Just to help until I get some photos done, the 431 is a "heavy
(or Light battledreadnought if you prefer - it kind of falls between the
410 and 411). It is a 410 "main hull" and side guns, with a completely
(and enlarged) "bridge" section carrying additional side weapon mounts.
There will soon be a "431A" version as well, with different weapon
on the bridge mounts.

The 423 is a heavy corvette (Striker in K'V terms) or light frigate -
between the 403 and 404 in size, usual K'V configuration but with six
"gun" barrels on the side pods - I thinlk Oerjan is classing these as
>>And - byr the way - are there any more ned KV designs on the way.

There will be a new "heavy cruiser/battlecruiser" using the 408 hull
the new bridge and weapons that we used on the 431, and maybe a couple
new variants of the 423 size ships.
There is also a new light/escort cruiser type (between 406 and 407)
wirth a
central main gun like the 407A. These should all be out in the next
of weeks at the most.
>More KV ships have been sculpted, but I have no idea when Jon will have
>time to make production moulds for them. (Of course, if something goes
>badly wrong with the mould-making they might not appear at all).

Don't worry, they'll all come out - all the parts are master-moulded, we
just need to put them into production moulds before we can start to sell
them. We'll announce them through the usual channels as soon as they are

Jon (GZG)
>"Life is like a sewer.
>  What you get out of it, depends on what you put into it."

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