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Sculpting, was Re: New KV

From: Frits Kuijlman <frits@p...>
Date: Sun, 28 Sep 2003 13:22:18 +0200
Subject: Sculpting, was Re: New KV

> More KV ships have been sculpted, but I have no idea when Jon will
> time to make production moulds for them. (Of course, if something goes

> badly wrong with the mould-making they might not appear at all).

How are these ships sculpted anyway? I know that GHQ models are
sculped in a bigger scale and then scaled down using some sort of
magic machine. Or do you just sculpt them in their final size.
I am just curious as some models have teensy weensy details.


Frits Kuijlman			   F.Kuijlman@{its,cs,twi}
Delft University of Technology			      The Netherlands

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