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[DS2] OGRE playtest

From: Thomas Pope <tpope@e...>
Date: Mon, 15 Sep 2003 12:23:51 -0400
Subject: [DS2] OGRE playtest

My friend John Lerchey and I ran a playest game two Sundays ago using
OGRE varient rules he's been working on (with lots of comments and
by myself and others).
The game went very well, coming down to the OGRE disabled literally 1"
from LOS to the command post.  I was able to achieve a draw only by self
destructing and taking out the CP (and most of the few remaining
in the blast.
Past that I'll let the ARR speak for itself.  It is available here,
with the rules themselves, and a few more random DS2 related items.
Questions or comments welcome.	I'll forward anything I get along to
or you can contact him from the web page.

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