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play style and leaving board question

From: Noam Izenberg <noam.izenberg@j...>
Date: Mon, 8 Sep 2003 07:37:06 -0400
Subject: play style and leaving board question

Jared Hilal wrote:

> To me, "facing more or less towards one another" means that the
> are within 60 degrees of parallel and also in opposite directions.

I think this is a good example of the communication difficulty in this 
entire series of threads. I would never consider ships that are 120 
degrees divergent (even 90 degrees divergent) from parallel to be 
"facing more or less towards one another". This particular range is 
described more accurately by "facing more (at 120 degrees) or less (at 
95 degrees) _away_ from one another." Only the 90 degree divergent case 
is equally "towards" or "away, " (and assuming that one force does not 
start in the FH arc of the other) but the best term for that is 

As is often the case, without full knowledge of initial conditions and 
preconceptions, it's almost impossible to provide answers that satisfy. 
That full knowledge is unfortunately often very slow in coming.


Big Name Zoner	   (Noam Izenberg - Known throughout the Zone)

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