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Re: Shiva Option

From: Doug Evans <devans@n...>
Date: Fri, 5 Sep 2003 06:18:05 -0500
Subject: Re: Shiva Option

>Now I will have to pick up all 3 of these novels when I am solvent

Four, actually. In Death Ground, The Shiva Option, Crusade, and
Insurrection, though the count goes back to three when you look at In
Ground and the The Shiva Option as Tales of Interstellar War Four.

As was noted, the first came out in paper back, but the second in
Now, I spend a lot of money, but almost exclusively in clearance and cut
out bins. If I fork over cash for HB, you KNOW I had to finish that
ASAP. ;->=

Your campaign statement is bang on. Crusade reads almost exactly like
scenerio descriptions, with 'interludes' in the Starfire game suppliment
the same name.

Have you read any Honor Harrington novels by Weber? Most on this list
vouch for them, though I've not read one yet.

Oh, when you get around to it, take your time with In Death Ground/The
Shiva Option; I read it WAY too fast, and had a serious pang when
Hmm... may dig them out again.


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