Re: Yep, broke it. :)
From: Andrae Muys <andrae.muys@b...>
Date: Fri, 22 Aug 2003 14:29:55 +1000
Subject: Re: Yep, broke it. :)
Robin Fitton wrote:
> This "Sobig" virus is causing me nightmares at work with all the
> messages.
> I have moved all of my pop3 accounts to Hotmail, then I pull existing
> accounts like in with auto-forward.
> Hotmail keeps the virus off my computer and has a half decent spam
> I had to sign up for the 10MB account which was £20 for a year, but I
> would rather be protected than get hit by a virus. It sounds like an
> advert for microsoft, but it works for me.
> I then let through lists like gzg and block all the 40+ junk messages
> get each day.
> If only life were simpler, back when I played wargames and had no
> to the internet. Take me back to 1989!
Personally I just don't use IE/OE at work, and avoid windows altogether
at home. As a result the only computer viruses I have experienced in
ten years were two Word Macro viruses.
You mean when we were cleaning up after virus attacks that actually did
real damage to your machine and data? The only real difference these
days is the speed of propagation, and that due to the forged headers
responsible net users are being affected as well. The real crime here
is that after 20 years the worlds #1 operating system vendor still
refuses to take this issue seriously!
Now to attempt to bring this OT. Has anyone considered introducing EW
(along the lines of SG) in DS? Can anyone point me at any house rules
for this?
Andrae Muys <>
Engineer Braintree Communications
"Now, allowing captured continuations to be inspected and altered at
runtime (including binding mutation, complete rebinding of scopes,
and call tree mutation)... *that* is really evil. And, I should
point out, quite useful." - Dan Sugalski