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[FT] Fighter descriptions

From: Nyrath the nearly wise <nyrathwiz@c...>
Date: Thu, 19 Jun 2003 23:03:04 -0400
Subject: [FT] Fighter descriptions

For no good reason, I'm trying to make ship control sheets
the size of collectible cards for Star Ranger's
marvelous SF Crossover games.
( )
( I'm using the card toolbox from )
( You can see what I have so far at )

However, I have a minor problem.  Star Ranger has a few
special rules for the various fighters (e.g.,
Battlestar Galactica Viper fighters have a secondary move
of 24 due to their turbos, B5 Thunderbolt fighters act
like normal fighters equipped with a torpedo, etc.)
While his ship sheets have plenty of room to print
such rules, cards are a bit more cramped.

I wanted to adapt Jared Noble's modular fighter
( )
but with a terse nomenclature (with all
due respect to Mr. Noble, his rules are fascinating but
the proposed graphics are a bit intimidating).

Here's what I have so far.  Perhaps it can be the
basis for something useful with some editing from
the minds of gzg-l.

Write the initial move I, secondary move S, and
endurance as I/S-E.  So a standard fighter would
be 24/12-6 (by FT2.5 rules).  A Fast fighter
would be 36/12-6.  A Long-range fighter would be

Append codes for various modifications:
H: Heavy frame, fighter takes damage as if it has
    level 1 screens.
X: Cannot attack ships
W: When attacking ships, a roll of 6 will destroy
    one armor or hull, all other rolls have no effect.
A: When attacking ships, add one to the roll.
T: Ship has a single shot torpedo.  4+ to hit, does 1d6 damage.
L: When attacking a fighter group, a roll of 6 will
    destroy one fighter, all other rolls have no effect.
I: When attacking a fighter group, add one to the roll.

So the FT fighters would be coded thusly:

Standard:	24/12-6
Heavy:		24/12-6H
Fast:		36/12-6
Long-range:	24/12-9
Attack: 	24/12-6AL
Interceptor:	24/12-6IX
Torpedo:	24/12-6TXL

Star Ranger's fighters would be:
BG Viper	24/24-6  (turbos)
B5 Thunderbolt	24/12-6T (normal fighter w/torpedo)
TIE fighter	24/12-6W
TIE bomber	20/12-6AL (slow attack)
TIE interceptor 30/12-6IW (interceptor w/limited anti-ship)
X-wing		24/12-6HI (heavy interceptor)
Y-wing		24/12-6H
A-wing		36/12-6H (fast heavy)

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